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Investing for-and-in Canadian unionized workers, where they work
High performance investing that benefits Canadian workers
John Zechner
Lead Manager
Dax Letham
The Canadian Union Partnership Fund is the first of its kind in Canada — a fund that is focused entirely on supporting Canadian unions and the companies that employ them. Created to meet the needs of union pension plans, health & welfare funds and other union investors, the Canadian Union Partnership fund provides a solid investment strategy that allows unions to invest their capital where their members work, and into the companies that hire them.
The fund features a pro-Canadian union portfolio that invests in publicly traded corporations and governments employing Canadian unionized workers. The fund is actively managed using a proprietary screen of eligible stocks and bonds and uses rigorous fundamental analysis in determining the asset mix and security selection. The fund is a balanced portfolio with investments in many sectors and industries that have a significant presence and association with the Canadian labour movement. The fund is designed to have a large cap emphasis with lower volatility than typical equity-only portfolios.
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